Deter Burglars with Security Cameras

Deter Burglars with Security Cameras

If you asked most people, they would tell you that they have a security system in their home to catch thieves. Unfortunately, most thieves get away without police ever catching them. Think about how many people ever get their stolen stuff back. It is nearly unheard...
Place Your Security Cameras Strategically

Place Your Security Cameras Strategically

Getting your home broken into is one of the most violating experiences you can have as a homeowner. A security system only works as well as it’s strategy. By understanding where a criminal is most likely to enter, homeowners can better protect themselves. The vast...
Deter Burglars with Security Cameras

Security Cameras Can Keep Your KC Home Safer

Many people are extremely concerned over the possibility of a burglary. It can create a lot of anxiety when you’re away from your home. While each break-in differs, there are many commonalities that can be used to drastically reduce the chances of becoming a victim to...